On Friday 17th May 2024 at the Compton Centre on Harehills lane, a vibrant community climate action assembly event took place. Coordinated by Harehills Action Team (Climate Action Leeds small grant recipients), the event played host to a diverse number of stall holders, activities and speakers on the environment.
Community members and guests were invited to walk around the stalls that were placed in the middle of the library area and outside in the garden, where information, activities and giveaways were available from groups such as…RHS Community Outreach (planting herbs and plugs), Meanwood micro-greens , Freedom for Girls (sustainable menstrual products), Coop (seed pots), Yorkshire Water (water saving tips), Places for people (energy efficiency tips for the home), Racial Justice Network (with copies of their recent report ‘no borders on a green planet), Active Leeds, Zest compost collective, (demonstrating community composting), Retas photography, Space 2, Love Parks Leeds, HAT chatty cafe, Harehills Creative Womens group, and many other valuable contributors.
As part of the day's activities a community herb garden was planted in huge containers outside of the Compton Centre (see photograph below). The herb garden is a resource for all community members to use and tend to.
Mid-afternoon saw a panel of inspirational speakers take part in a Q&A session with an audience of event participants. Speakers included;
Clarrie Ramsden, Hub Worker from Climate Action Seacroft talked about starting with a single seed to strengthen your community, and have a greener lifestyle. She was also giving out free packets of seeds.
Goodness Woodhead from Esustainable Fashion talked about her passion for sustainable fashion and how you can upcycle almost anything, saving money and the environment at the same time as looking sensational.
Cllr Katie Dye, Chair of Leeds City Council Climate Emergency Advisory Committee outlined some of the work that Leeds is doing to address the climate emergency.
Rahel Fitsum from Little London Voices talked about the challenges culturally diverse people and especially those living in high rise accommodation face when trying tp access green, safe and healthy spaces. She talked specifically about the needs of families with additional needs children living in the inner city.
Aulson Lawrence from Feel Good Factor talked about how as a community worker he supports men to improve their health and wellbeing, and how people can access local groups that can help them to live greener, healthier and more affordable lifestyles.
To close the highly successful event, Goodness Woodhead and her esustainable fashion brand hosted an amazing sustainable fashion show, with community members as models. The costumes were high fashion pieces made using pre loved clothes and fabrics. Event participants could be heard making various comments on how extraordinary the outfits were and people were surprised and impressed that they were made completely out of reused materials. It was a truly stunning spectacle to see the models strutting around the Compton centre!
Check out esustainable fashion's Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553807375606
More information on the work of Harehills Action Team can be found on their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/hatstreetmarket/ or by contacting Natalie Tharraleos at: nataliehlat@gmail.com or Tasneem Suleman at: tasneemhlat@gmail.com.
Photographs by Cara-Mia Cruise-Brahm