Leeds City Council is looking at ways to use planning policy to help tackle climate change - and wants to hear what you have your say on the changes which will effect you.
The council has drafted ideas for changes to its planning policy to help secure a sustainable future for Leeds.
You can input into this update by visiting The Leeds Local Plan Update webpage. Then selecting one of the areas of focus, and comment on its quick summary and questionnaire, or complete the full set of consultation questions.
The 5 topics of focus which you can have your say on are:
Carbon reduction - how buildings are built and how we generate renewable energy
Flood risk - making our communities resilient to the impact of flooding
Green infrastructure - making the most of our green spaces and natural environment, to help improve our health and wellbeing
Placemaking - new developments that offer opportunities for active travel and public transport, with a focus on health and wellbeing
Sustainable infrastructure - encouraging low emissions transport and improved digital connectivity, helping reduce journeys by car
This public consultation is open to everyone. This is really important because it will mean changes for every neighbourhood in Leeds, so please do take a few minutes to read the plan and input your comments, opinion and suggestions - good or bad.
The more that people feed in, the more relevant and inclusive the plans will be.
Workshop invitation
Leeds City Council are inviting you to take part in an informal and interactive online workshop taking place on Tuesday 7th September 10am-12noon.
The workshop will be hosted by Planning Aid England (PAE), who are keen to engage with those who don’t normally get involved in consultations. It will be independently run and designed to be fun and helpful.
The workshop will focus on the key question ‘How do we make inner city Leeds and your neighbourhood greener?’ but there will be opportunities to discuss other issues that are of interest or concern to participants. No experience of consultations or planning is necessary to attend, all are welcome.
Comments made at the workshops will be (anonymously) recorded and will count as a response for the consultation.
The date for the workshop is Tuesday 7th September 10am-12noon.
Places are limited. Register here - Local Plans Team - Leeds City Council Events | Eventbrite, or email lpu@leeds.gov.uk, with your details.
If you have any questions please contact lpu@leeds.gov.uk.