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Have Your Say - Transforming your city centre: Leeds City Links

The Leeds City Links: Transforming your City Centre scheme is an ambitious scheme to make the city centre a better place to visit, work and live. To improve everyday life across the city, tackle climate change and improve health and wellbeing, they're investing in the city centre streets to make Leeds safer for people walking, wheeling* and cycling.

Their proposals to increase opportunities for active travel are part of a wider package of transformational works in the city centre and the values of the scheme are underpinned by their Vision Zero Strategy; aiming to have zero road deaths in Leeds by 2040 and the Connecting Leeds strategy; outlining the council’s commitment to making Leeds carbon neutral by 2030.

Please check out the proposals and survey at this link: Have Your Say Today - Leeds City Links – Commonplace

*Wheeling incorporates many methods for getting around, including using wheelchairs, mobility scooters, walking aids and travelling with a pram or pushchair.


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