Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL)
VAL is Leeds’ leading third sector representative body, with significant and established capacity, reputation, and networks.
VAL leads on programme management and programme communications.
Email: info@val.org.uk

Our Future Leeds (OFL) supported by Leeds Love it Share It (LLISI)
OFL is a citizen-led activist and campaigning group in Leeds responding to the climate emergency.
OFL acts as strategic advisor across the programme, supporting overall programme design and ambition and with responsibility for the city plan (Leeds Doughnut), training support, climate assemblies, and the Leeds city hub.
LLISI is a Leeds-based Community Interest Company focusing on new models for city development and change. It provides employment and logistical support as well as legal oversight and guidance for Our Future Leeds.
Email: hello@ourfutureleeds.org

Together for Peace (T4P)
Together for Peace is a charity comprising a network of skilled practitioners in community outreach, community building, facilitation, climate action, peace and reconciliation.
T4P leads on community engagement, development, and capacity building to deliver the community climate action groups, community plans, and community hubs.
Email: climatehubs@t4p.org.uk

Leeds TIDAL is a longstanding campaign, solidarity, justice and movement-building organisation, with extensive local and international networks.
TIDAL leads on supporting transition partners in different sector and campaign areas to ensure a focus on a just transition and climate justice.
Email: info@leedstidal.org
CAG Consultants
CAG Consultants are experts in evidence-based research, advice, and engagement for environmental, economic, and social sustainability.
CAG has a strong track record in supporting clients and partners in evaluation of programmes that address climate change, and will lead on programme-wide evaluation and learning.
Email: rp@cagconsult.co.uk

Leeds Community Foundation
Leeds Community Foundation distributes vital grants and gives trusted advice to community organisations across Leeds and Bradford to influence positive change. We are driven by creating meaningful social impact for thousands of local people every year.
Our work goes beyond funding, as it also provides resources that voluntary groups and charities would otherwise struggle to access. As an organisation focused on creating a fair and inclusive society, LCF works alongside the community organisations we fund to address inequalities and create opportunities.
Email: grants@leedcf.org.uk